“When I die, what happens to my property, my money, and other things?”
You may direct who gets what with a Will (and, sometimes, one or more Trusts). If you do not have a Will, your property will be distributed according to the laws of “intestate succession.” Either way, with or without a Will, a Probate Court issues orders for the specific distribution of all property (including land, personal property, and money), including the payment of debts. The right kind of Trust (including a number of special kinds of trusts) may allow property to be held and/or passed outside of the probate process; trusts can also save taxes, avoid unwanted publicity, provide for graduated distributions, and accomplish other special purposes.
John Bodle can design the right Will (and trust or trusts) to pass your property as you wish. And when it becomes your sad duty to distribute the property of a recently-departed loved one, John Bodle can handle the probate process from beginning to end.