Make it easy

Okay, I admit it:  I can’t make every case truly “easy” – I’m only a lawyer, not a magician!  But I can sure help make it easier – as easy as possible.  I will explain the system so you can understand it; I will explain your options and help you make your decisions wisely, and of course I will handle everything with the court and any other lawyer(s) on the case.  In most cases, you’ll still have some tough decisions to make, but I’ll help you get through it all.

Whether you’re facing divorce, bankruptcy, or some other problem, I can help.  Let me “make it easy” for you.

If you find it easy to use the web and other high-tech tools, we’ll do that; if you find it easy to use paper & pens, we’ll do that.  I will work with you in whatever ways are easy for you.

“Make it easy” is not just a slogan, it’s the way I do business. I don’t try to make it easy just for my clients; I work to make it easy for everybody in the system, because that’s the best way to ensure I can get you what you want and need.

Ready to get started? Call me!


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